Monday, May 13, 2013

Stuff that will be on the test on Wednesday

  • Constantine's army: 500,000
    • He moved the capital to Peasntitum and named it after himself
  • Jesus hung out with the poor people, and prostitutes when he was preaching because there were more poor people in Rome and other places, than there were rich people. He did this to get more followers.
    • This caused christianity to grow quickly
  • Gospel means "good news"
  • **Know what Constantine's vision was
    • He fought the Battle Of Milvian Bridge right after he got this vision
    • Vision: he prays to the Christian god and it he said "By this conquer"
    • He ended the persecution against christians
  • Diecletion:
    • He wanted to burn all the churches and wipe out the religion completely
    • demanded that the books must be demolished
    • the christian careers should be destroyed
    • take out the hierarchy of the church
    • Have to make a sacrifices to the roman gods to be free
    • You are not aloud to assemble anymore in public
      • It didn't encourage people to stop their religion
  • Edict of Milan: Said you couldn't persecute anyone for their beliefs
  • 300 A.D: 60 million people lived under the Roman empire, several million were christians
  • Predestination: The idea that God knows from your birth what's going to happen to you
  • The four gospel writers are: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

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