Thursday, May 2, 2013

Movie 5-2-13

  • Proletarian-someone who doesn't own property, a low class citizen
  • War Profiteers used their wealth to buy up ruined farms
    • Small plots were merged into large estates
    • Displaced farmers could not compete with the low cost of hiring slaces (carthage)
    • In 150 BC slaves made up 1/3 of the population of Italy
  • In the second century BC the Gracchi brothers attempter to carve out special rights for the poor, but their attempts were opposed and they were eventually murdered by their enemies in the senate
    • They wanted to resettle many of the cities poor on small farms (MAINLY TIBERIUS' PLAN)
      • provide a public subsidy of grain for those who remained in Rome
      • this would raise the number of independent, self sufficient farmers
      • would also reduce the gap between rich and poor
      • with Tiberius in the assembly as a tribune, this should've worked
    • The reason it didn't work was because he ran out of time, since the tribunes could only have ran for one year
  • They killed Tiberius and over 300 of his supporters
    • His younger brother Gaius, meanwhile he got his head cut off, and they were told that whoever brought back his head would be paid in weight and gold. He put all the money he got from it, and put it into the public treasure.
  • The senate already saw Tiberius as a dangerous troublemaker
  • The rise of Julius Caesar
    • a talented patrician, formed a unique government with two former Sulla allies, Pompey and Crassus, knows as the triumvirate
  • Pompey was an accomplished general, Crassus the richest man in Rome, and one of the richest men in history
    • Pompey was jealous and the Senate is worried
      • they tell Caesar to disband his army before returning to Rome
      • instead he and his army cross the Rubicon and make a grand, heroic entrance
      • this causes a near civil war between Caesar's forces and Pompey's troops
      • Pompey is defeated in Greece, and is killed in Egypt where he had taken refugee
  • 46 BC: Caesar returned to Rome in triumph and was declared "Father of the Fatherland"
    • JC has himself appointed tribune, supreme pontiff, consul, and dictator-some at the same time
    • he didn't get shot because he had the Senate name him "Dictator for Life"
  • Julius resettled war veterans on farmland in Italy and in the provinces and he extended Roman citizenship to parts of Gaul and Spain
    • He was murdered by the Senate on March 15th, 44 BC
  • Mark Antony and Octavius battled each other then joined forces against JC's assassins, then became rivals again
    • Octavian pushes out Lepidus then defeats Antony and Cleopatra in the naval battle of Actium
      • This is all in a course of about 18 years
    • Octavian is the supreme warlord, and picked up where JC left off
  • This is the beginning of Pax Romana (roman peace)

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