Thursday, April 18, 2013

Explanation of the song

  • Latins were the first ones there
    • They gave us our language
    • Traced from the Romans (Romance language)
  • The ancient people loved their location
    • Important to be at an elevation
    • They were in the middle of the peninsula/Mediterranean sea
    • Thought it was destiny, because of their location
  • Tarkain was the last king of Rome
    • he was harsh, unfair, abused his power
    • Rome used to be a monarchy
    • Tarkain's son raped someone and none of the people did anything about, he was not punished
    • The woman who was raped killed herself
    • 1/3 of the people of Rome were slaves
  • After they overthrew the government they looked to Greece to see that they had a democracy - Demos was the leader
  • Res publica - where the word "republic" came from
    • means "the peoples affair" in Latin 
      • Patricians-Land owners, wealthy, connected
      • Plebeians-Regular, middle and lower class people, not really any connections with the government
  • Aristocracy-Rich, connected, formed the senate
    • 300 people, they have their own branch of government
  • Assembly was formed to give the plebeians rights

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