Wednesday, April 24, 2013

4-24-13 - Test Tomorrow

Today in class we talked more in detail about that song, and took a lot of notes on what the quiz/test will be about tomorrow. I think I will do decent, considering 50% of the the test is about the song. There is 25 multiple choice questions, no BCRs or long answers. Study Lo1  &Lo2, 1st stanza, 2nd stanza, and a little of the third stanza, also the vocabulary for the test. Everything about the Punic Wars will be on there, including the first and second one, who fought in it, who won and everything about it. Rome (3) Carthage (0)
  • The rich paid really terrible wages
  • To entertain the people, they would perform gladiator fights with people and wild animals, they also had chariot races
  • "res republic" means the peoples affair in Latin which is republic 
  • The assembly represented the Roman government, the people who were in the assembly were called tribunes
  • Aristocracy represented the senate, they were in the office for one years
  • Patrons or Clients won't be on the quiz
  • Lucipertita is the name of the woman who was raped, and was considered a matron

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