Monday, April 29, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013

4-25-13 Lo3 notes

Today in class we took a quiz/test and I honestly have no clue how I did on it! But after we took the test we had tor read Lo3 and here are the notes that I took on it!

  • Rome ruled an empire far larger than that of any earlier city-state
  • Citizens who lived far from Rome and mostly had no voting rights
  • A universal monarchy replaced it like those that ruled every other vast empire
  • A proletarian is an ancient Rome, a propertyless but voting citizen
  • Rome grew and became on of the Mediterraneans great metropolis cities
  • They used their wealth to buy up ruined farms, restock them, and turn them to new purposes
  • By 150 B.C slaves made up one third of the population of Italy
  • Owners often free their slaves as a reward for loyal services
  • Scipio Aemilianus was the conqueror of Carthage in 146 B.C
  • Cornelia was a patrician wife of a plebeian, Tiberius Graachus
  • Univira means "one-husband woman"

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

4-24-13 - Test Tomorrow

Today in class we talked more in detail about that song, and took a lot of notes on what the quiz/test will be about tomorrow. I think I will do decent, considering 50% of the the test is about the song. There is 25 multiple choice questions, no BCRs or long answers. Study Lo1  &Lo2, 1st stanza, 2nd stanza, and a little of the third stanza, also the vocabulary for the test. Everything about the Punic Wars will be on there, including the first and second one, who fought in it, who won and everything about it. Rome (3) Carthage (0)
  • The rich paid really terrible wages
  • To entertain the people, they would perform gladiator fights with people and wild animals, they also had chariot races
  • "res republic" means the peoples affair in Latin which is republic 
  • The assembly represented the Roman government, the people who were in the assembly were called tribunes
  • Aristocracy represented the senate, they were in the office for one years
  • Patrons or Clients won't be on the quiz
  • Lucipertita is the name of the woman who was raped, and was considered a matron

Monday, April 22, 2013


Today in class we viewed each groups extra credit projects, my group got all 10 extra credit points and we are going to post the link on YouTube, which I will attach to this page. I really enjoy learning about Rome and am looking forward to the next test because I think I will do good. I am gonna try very hard to get a good grade in this class this quarter. We also discussed very little of the song, but will talk more in detail about it in our next class, which is on Wednesday.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Explanation of the song

  • Latins were the first ones there
    • They gave us our language
    • Traced from the Romans (Romance language)
  • The ancient people loved their location
    • Important to be at an elevation
    • They were in the middle of the peninsula/Mediterranean sea
    • Thought it was destiny, because of their location
  • Tarkain was the last king of Rome
    • he was harsh, unfair, abused his power
    • Rome used to be a monarchy
    • Tarkain's son raped someone and none of the people did anything about, he was not punished
    • The woman who was raped killed herself
    • 1/3 of the people of Rome were slaves
  • After they overthrew the government they looked to Greece to see that they had a democracy - Demos was the leader
  • Res publica - where the word "republic" came from
    • means "the peoples affair" in Latin 
      • Patricians-Land owners, wealthy, connected
      • Plebeians-Regular, middle and lower class people, not really any connections with the government
  • Aristocracy-Rich, connected, formed the senate
    • 300 people, they have their own branch of government
  • Assembly was formed to give the plebeians rights

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Today in class we worked more on our projects, which now aren't counting as test grades, but extra credit! Hopefully we will finish tomorrow so I can post it to my blog!

Monday, April 15, 2013


Today in class we got partnered up with two or three other people, and we are creating a music video to the song that Mr.Schick made! I am very excited and think that this will be a success! Hopefully we will finish next class, which is Wednesday, and I can post it onto the blog!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Rome Rome Rome

Well, you got the Etruscans and the Greeks
But the Latins came first
To the shores of the River Tiber
They drained a swamp (They drained a swamp)
Next thing you know
Livin’ in Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome
Now Tarquin’s kinda proud
But he got a little loud (little loud)
They turned around and ran that tyrant outta town (hey!)
Next thing you know (next thing you know)
No kings no more
Happened in Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome
Hey, we got three governments rolled into one
Patricians and plebeians havin’ some fun
Two consuls gotta be better than one
Brand new republic ready to run
Plus monarchy
Not a tyranny
Ho-o-o-old up wait a minute, do I see what I think I… hey!
That’s a Roman legion clear as day
5000 soldiers not in it for pay
Group of eighty’s a century
On horseback is the cavalry
Shield, sword, dagger, and armor and tunic
Fightin ’gainst Carthage in wars that are Punic
Hannibal riding on elephant back
Crossing the Alps just to launch his attack
So now you get the picture (picture)
All the rich are getting richer (richer)
And they’re livin’ on the latifundia
Farmers can’t cope (They just can’t cope)
They’re low on hope
They moved to Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome
I can hear the brothers Gracchus
Sayin, “Rich, please don’t attack us” (don’t attack us)
“We got a feeling that the senators will whack us” (hey!)
They hit the floor (they hit the floor)
Next thing you know
It’s civil war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war
Hey, let me take you back to 60 BC
It’s the start of the rise of Julius C
He grabbed two dudes and he formed a team
It’s a triumvirate -- that’s a group of three
“Crassus (come on), Pompey (come on), I’m JC! (come on)
We three will rule!
What you think I'm playin, baby girl?  I'm the man!
I'm conquering Gaul!”
All of his soldiers gave him their devotion
That’s why he swept over Gaul just like an ocean
Pompey couldn’t understand all the commotion
When he crossed the Rubicon, he kept up motion
It’s just like a potion
Caesar had self-locomotion
Power’s an ambitious emotion
Dictator is not a demotion
It’s promotion
But in 44 BC (BC)
On a day called March 15 (Ides of March)
Brutus and the Senate murdered Julius C
He hit the floor (he hit the floor)
Next thing you know
Caesar’s no more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
You know he’s so depressed
23 stab wounds in his chest (in his chest)
He saw his friend and he raised one last protest (hey!)
Et tu, Brute?” (Et tu, Brute?)
That’s what he say
Cuz he felt low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
Only eighteen, Octavian makin’ the scene
He says, “I tell you what,
Got a new triumvirate
Here’s my boy Lepidus
And Mark Antony I trust”
(‘Til Marky met this chick
Cleopatra from Egypt)
Octavian was freakin’
Lust for power started peakin’
“Don’t try to play me or my navy,
At Actium you won’t slay me”
“O” won that game
Did explain
Now Augustus was his name
All his subjects did proclaim
He’s in the Roman Hall of Fame
Twenty-seven BC (BC)
For a couple hundred years (207)
Pax Romana is the word that brings the cheers (Yay!)
They’re on a roll (they’re on a roll)
They built some roads
Leading to Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome
Slaves don’t have many rights and
Then there’s gladiator fightin’ (OW!)
People find the Circus Maximus excitin’ (hey!)
Blood on the floor (knee-deep in gore)
And now you know
All about Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome

Notes on Lo2 - Roman Exspansion

  • The romans were military people
  • Their first wars were against Etruscans, Italian tribes and barbarian invaders
  • Carthage was founded about 700 B.C
    • It spread its influences across North America, southern Spain, Sardina, Corsica, and Sicily
  • By 250 B.C all of Italy south of the River Po was in Roman hands
  • In 146 B.C Carthage was captured after bitter fighting
  • Carthaginian general was name "Hannibal" and he invaded Italy and defeated several Roman armies
  • The Second Punic War ended in 202 B.C and Carthage was disarmed and helpless
  • In 202 B.C Rome won control over the western Mediterranean
  • Romans unified most of Italy about 250 years before 500 B.C and in the next 250 years they would spread their rule from the eastern Mediterranean to the British Isles

Thursday, April 11, 2013


I worked with Taylor, and this is my comic:

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Today in class we watched Mr.Schick and his daughter perform a "rap" about Rome, ancient times, and Civil War. I'm not gonna lie, it is kind of stuck in my head. I am waiting for him to upload the lyrics so I can learn it and be extra ready for the test! My notes I took today are posted on the previous post.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Notes on the Rise of Rome

Important Dates

  • Ninth Century BC: Etruscans move into Italy
  • Eighth Century BC: First Greek colonies in southern Italy; settlements near the mouth of the Tiber River join to form the city-state of Rome
  • Seventh Century BC: Etruscans conquer Latium
  • 500 BC: Rome overthrows Etruscan ruler
  • 450 BC: Twelve Tables, first written Roman legan code
  • 264-146 BC: Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage
  • 250 BC: All of Italy south of the River Po is in Roman hands; plebeians share political rights with patricians 
  • 202 BC: Rome wins control of western Mediterranean
  • First Century BC: Most non-Romans in Italy win citizen rights; Romans expand into the eastern Mediterranean and then into western Europe
  • 44 BC: Julius Caesar becomes dictator for life; members of the Senate assassinate him
  • 31 BC: Octavian's forces defeat Antony and Cleopatra; Octavian becomes supreme ruler of rome

Key Words:

  1. Patricians-Upper-class citizens who belonged to the oldest and noblest Roman families
  2. Republic-In reference to ancient Rome, the system of city-state in which decision-making power was shared between the Senate and assemblies of male citizens.
  3. Plebeians-The Roman common people, including workers, small farmers, and wealthy people who were not patricians.
  4. Senate-In ancient Rome, a government assembly appointed by the king, and under the Republic by consuls; originally all members were patricians, but in time wealthy people plebeians were appointed as well.  
  5. Consuls-In the Roman Republic, two senators who led the government and military for one-year terms an appointed their own successors.
  6. Dictator-In the Roman Republic, a single leader with full decision-making powers, appointed for a maximum of six-month term during times of emergency.
  7. Tribunes-Magistrates elected by the plebeians, who eventually gained the power to initiate and veto laws.
  8. Client-A person who provides personal services in return for money and protection from a patron.
  9. Patron-A wealthy person who supports others with money and protection in exchange for personal services.
  10. Pontiff-In ancient Rome, one of the Republic's leading priests.
  11. Paterfamilias-The "family father" in ancient Rome, who had unlimited power over his household.
  12. Matron-Title of honor given to a married woman in ancient Rome.
  13. Proletarian-In ancient Rome, a propertyless but voting citizen.
  14. In ancient Rome, an alliance of three politicians that enabled them to control the Republic's decision making.
  • The Roman soldiers were the most feared soldiers of their time
  • Rome is in the middle of the peninsula, they looked at it as an opportunity and advantage (perfect location)
  • The three people who founded the Italian land : The Tuscans(2), The Greeks(3), then The Latins (first)
  • Romans improved Government and Warfare
  • Warfare:
  • Government started as a monarchy with kings because they wanted to be like the Greeks, had a council of elders that provided the kings with thinking(senate-comes from latin "senax" which means old men) (the men had money, experience and were tied in) If a kind died the senate would meet and decide who was going to be in charge, usually chose one of their own to replace the king, may not even be related to the king - res publica (where the word republic comes from) means "the peoples business" Got rid of monarchy and king
  • Patricians - Upper class, oldest families, land owners, the big shots, the "fathers" of the countries, comes from the same word as father, has connections and is in charge of land
  • Plebeians - The common people