Thursday, March 7, 2013


Today in class we continued to watch the movie. The world's first democracy was created when Persia invaded Greece. After the war was over, it turned out that Greece beat the Persian Empire, while the Persians had Daris as their king. Persia had slaves, and Greece' middle class had more freedom that the empire of Persia, wich was a monarchy/tyranny. Not to mention, from Atens to Marathon, it was 26 miles.
There are two main important dates and they are 418 B.C a d 486 B.C, in 418 Phitidates went on a quest to not be conquered by the Persian Empire, the second, 486, was when Xerxes avenged his fathers Daris' defeat. Xerxes wanted to burn Athens to the ground, therefore the persian army set out for Greece. The Greeks lost 200 ships after the battle, and Themistocles fought at Marathon, he was the athenian leader (democracy) he is also one of histories greatest leaders and savior of his city.

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