Monday, March 4, 2013


Today in class we continued watching more of the movie about the Greeks, who are in the middle of an ordinary civilization. The Athenians found their wealth and prosperity on the ride. Also, at its own time pottery wasn't a big deal, but now people will pay a lot of money for it, and people who create pottery are pretty wealthy people! Today we noticed three important dates, 514 B.C was when Hippias' brother was murdered, in 527 B.C Hippias took over, and it created a tyranny, and lastly in 776 B.C is when they held the olympics in olympia every four years. The olympics were cherished all throughout Greece because it was the only time when a lower-class man could play against an aristocrat, and get credit for it. If there was a war going on they would stop the war, watch or compete in olympics and then continue the war.

***To be ostrosized is to be expelled from a city state.

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