Sunday, March 24, 2013


Today in class a couple people presented about "Alexander The Great," we will continue and maybe finish the presentations on Monday. I learned the following: King Phillip is the father of Alexander, and they didn't get along with each other. He was also the ming od Macedonia, and had many wives, and had a brilliant military mind. Olympia, was the mother of Alexander, who was an ambitious and violent ruler, and married King Phillip in 357 B.C.E. Zeus was thought to be a man and a god combined, he was one of the greatest military leaders of his time, and the most highly regarded greek god. Also, Olympia taught Alex that Zeus was his father since King Phillip wasn't around. King Phillip was assassinated in 336 B.C. There were two theories these presentation focused on, the first theory is that we was killed by his bodyguard who "liked" him, they say he killed him because of jealousy. The second theory is that Olympia and Alexander killed him. Alexander took over in 334 B.C, there was a huge argument of who would take over, but Alex defeated the Thracians and Triballians, and proved to the people that even though he was young he could still hold power. King Phillips body guard got payed off by the persians. Alex was the king at age 20, he wasn't a good student either, but his favorite book was "The Iliad" he carried the book everywhere he went, people said he even slept with it. He used the book to 'guide his decisions,' and Alex was born in 356 B.C.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Today in class I took a test, I don't think I did that good.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Sunday, March 17, 2013


I was not in class on Friday because I was on a field trip.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Today in class we had a large class discussion on a topic. In the discussion we would all take a part saying something, but we had to understand other people's thoughts, and we couldn't go against what they were saying, or disagree. We did this because that is how Socrates did it in the Parthonon  It was very fun and cool, I loved it!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Today in class we watched more of the movie, hopefully we are getting close to the end. But this time it focused on Socrates a lot more, and I learned that he was a critic and was arrested for undermining the religion an corrupting the youth, he was also put to death by Hemlock, which was part of the traditional way to die in Greek time. Also, plague killed 1/3 of the population of Athens. The greeks believed that the "un-examined life is not worth living." Lastly, the spartans won the Peloponnesian war, and the Peloponnesian's blamed Socrates for this loss.

Monday, March 11, 2013


Today in class we went over our test, on which I got an 81 on, and we discussed the correct answers and talked about the essays and short answers. Other than that we didn't do anything, it was an easy Monday.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Today in class Mr.Schick wasn't there, and we watched more of the movie that we've been watching for the past two days, this part didn't have as much information as the other two, but it still talked about some interesting things I thought would be important to jot down. For example, Parody's wanted a city that was fit to Roman Empire, so he created the Parthonon  which would now be home to Athena, who originally live in Acropolis. To create the Parthonon it required 20,000 tons of marble, which would cost over a billion dollars in todays money, not to mention it took years to build. Inside of the building, there was a statue of Athena that survived over 2,000 years. Also, Athens was the heart of a cultural revolution. Lastly, in 429 B.C. Paraclys died.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Today in class we continued to watch the movie. The world's first democracy was created when Persia invaded Greece. After the war was over, it turned out that Greece beat the Persian Empire, while the Persians had Daris as their king. Persia had slaves, and Greece' middle class had more freedom that the empire of Persia, wich was a monarchy/tyranny. Not to mention, from Atens to Marathon, it was 26 miles.
There are two main important dates and they are 418 B.C a d 486 B.C, in 418 Phitidates went on a quest to not be conquered by the Persian Empire, the second, 486, was when Xerxes avenged his fathers Daris' defeat. Xerxes wanted to burn Athens to the ground, therefore the persian army set out for Greece. The Greeks lost 200 ships after the battle, and Themistocles fought at Marathon, he was the athenian leader (democracy) he is also one of histories greatest leaders and savior of his city.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Today we did not have class because we were off of school due to the snow.

Monday, March 4, 2013


Today in class we continued watching more of the movie about the Greeks, who are in the middle of an ordinary civilization. The Athenians found their wealth and prosperity on the ride. Also, at its own time pottery wasn't a big deal, but now people will pay a lot of money for it, and people who create pottery are pretty wealthy people! Today we noticed three important dates, 514 B.C was when Hippias' brother was murdered, in 527 B.C Hippias took over, and it created a tyranny, and lastly in 776 B.C is when they held the olympics in olympia every four years. The olympics were cherished all throughout Greece because it was the only time when a lower-class man could play against an aristocrat, and get credit for it. If there was a war going on they would stop the war, watch or compete in olympics and then continue the war.

***To be ostrosized is to be expelled from a city state.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Today in class we watched a movie called "The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization," in this movie it was actual facts that happened, but in form so we could watch it and see what it was like! The Greeks built their own empire that stretched across the Mediterranean Sea! In 508 B.C, in Athens pandaemonium ruled the streets, which is wild and noisy behavior. During the time in Athens Cliesthenes was a ruler of Greece since birth, he was considered an Athenian nobleman. Socrates was the most famous philosopher of the time. In 570 B.C Cliesthenes was born, he was an aristocrat, and it was passed down through generation. In the 6th century B.C the aristocrats ruled the town Acropolis(Athens). A rare skill to have was reading and writing, and a lot od people lost their children at birth, the life expectancy was as little as 15 years old. The lower class had no say in anything and Greece was divided into countless places called "city states." The Corinthians dominated Greek trade, while Sparta had military power, and the Spartans were grown up from birth to be soldiers. The soldiers lived in areas called "barriks," their food was so bad that they were willing to die. The rest of Greece was always a threat to Sparta. The Greeks were inspired by their stories/myths by muse, which is their word for inspiration. Pisistratus came into town with a tall/beautiful woman and convinced people it was Athena, he was a really good tyrans, and reduced taxes and gave out free loans. He turned to the commoners and the noble people for power.