Monday, February 11, 2013


Today in class we started a new section, and that is Greece. I think I am going to like this section the things we are starting to talk about are very interesting to me. In the powerpoint that Mr.Schick showed to us, it say that the Acropolis was the highest point in Athens, which is a good thing because when enemies come, they are visible and they are more able to protect themselves. The Greeks also had another famous structure that is well known, and that is the Parthonon, it is one of the most beautiful structures even today. In american money, it would've costed around $1,000,000,000 which is so insane to think of, especially back then! Another amazing structure is Stone hedge, which is a circle of extremely heavy rocks which mysteriously showed up thousands of years ago. That structure is called a megalithic structure. 2500 B.C is an important date, and that is when the nomads moved to Europe and lived a barbaric way of life, a barbarian is a person who is very uncivilized, barbarians move in tribes. I hope to learn more, and go deeper in the Greek culture.

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