Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Today in class some people, including me, finished their tests. I fixed a lot of answers, hopefully that will increase my score a little bit. But mainly, we worked on our study guides and prepared for the next unit. There's a lot of important dates, and important names to remember. It's going to be difficult, but I think i'll be able to stick through it and get a decent grade on it.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Today in class we took a test on Lo1 and Lo2. It wasn't very difficult, but I think my overall grade is a B.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Today in class we talked more about Lo2 and focused more a little on it because we have a test tomorrow on it. I used to think Sparta was a democracy, but it is actually an oligarchy, Sparta is the most wealthiest after 300 years because of oversea trade. Also, Athens was the power in Greece and most influential. Greece produced and traded wine, weapons, good metalworks, oil, and pottery. We learned two important words as well. They were aristocrats  and demos. Aristocrats are people who own land, and demos are middle working class who work for the aristocrats usually. Lastly, the aristocrats and the demos became allis! In 500 B.C. Greek produced the first democracy.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


In Greece you would join the army because you wanted to, not because you were forced or asked to, everyone felt it was an obligation, and it was important to protect their country, family and friends. Also, Sparta was independent and isolated. They never relied on other countries for trading, or seeing how they do things.
There were four types of governments. Oligarchy, which is a group of people who makes decision. A monarchy, who has kings who make the rules and lead the country, and a democracy which has the people vote for the leader and also decisions. Lastly, a tyranny which is a country who has a dictator.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Today in class we viewed a presentation that Mr.Schick came up with, the presentation is on his website, and my notes focus in detail on the important slides. One important date out of many was 4,000 B.C, and that is when farming and village life spred through the continent of Europe. Another is in 3500 B.C, the population increased and the increased wealth led to complex religious structures. The barbarians came in contact with civilization in 2000 BC-1000 AD. That is very important because that was one of the very first structured civilizations, and that is what we base society off of today, and it helped us become the structure we are today. The first time the Europeans came in contact with the Greeks was labeled as a "western" civilization. A western civilization is an emerged civilization.


I wasn't in class today because I am in Florida. I also feel a little sick. I will be in school tomorrow though, I think we are following up on the presentations, and also working on our projects.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Today in class we worked more on out power points. Again we assigned each other parts in the small groups. We all were pitching in ideas about how to evenly split up the project, so we decided to do two slides each. We finished up and touched up on Lo1, and started Lo2. My part specifically was the "minoan" civilization in Greece. The part that I found the most interesting, and maybe want to do further research on in the future is the "minotaur" which the King Minos's half bull, half human son. In honor of the minotaur, Athens has bull racing as their anual sport.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Today in class we go into out groups and worked on our project about Ancient Greece, in our small groups we were assigned different parts. My part was to find out the important times of that area. We are almost finished Lo1, which means we will start Lo2 tomorrow. Mr.Schick wasn't here today, but was keeping us all updated through e-mail which was very good.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Today in class we started a new section, and that is Greece. I think I am going to like this section the things we are starting to talk about are very interesting to me. In the powerpoint that Mr.Schick showed to us, it say that the Acropolis was the highest point in Athens, which is a good thing because when enemies come, they are visible and they are more able to protect themselves. The Greeks also had another famous structure that is well known, and that is the Parthonon, it is one of the most beautiful structures even today. In american money, it would've costed around $1,000,000,000 which is so insane to think of, especially back then! Another amazing structure is Stone hedge, which is a circle of extremely heavy rocks which mysteriously showed up thousands of years ago. That structure is called a megalithic structure. 2500 B.C is an important date, and that is when the nomads moved to Europe and lived a barbaric way of life, a barbarian is a person who is very uncivilized, barbarians move in tribes. I hope to learn more, and go deeper in the Greek culture.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


In class on Friday we took a test on the first unit. I think I did an okay job on the multiple choice, but when it came to the essays I don't think I did that good of a job. I think my overall grade will be a 78.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Today in class we went over a powerpoint that we previously viewed a few classes ago, this class we discussed the powerpoint in depth and focused on main points. Not only was the Nile just used to transportation, but it was a main provider for Egyptian life. 3100 B.C. was when the lands were first united. "Maat" was a word that means in what we say today that everything happens for a reason, also "all is right with the world" it is when everything is going well in life. There were a lot of places in Egypt where people came in contact at, but the main place where finical and social success occurred was at the palace! Not to mention, the pharaoh had multiple wives, and some who were his sisters, which is illegal now, but legal then. The married women could inherit money and land, and were able to divorce their partners. The gods of the time were made out to be seen that they had either an animal head, or an animal body, the egyptians believed that there was an afterlife and after you died some people would get mummified but there were requirements to and those included: only pharaohs, rich people and worshiped people. An egyptian astronomer created the first calendar and it was incorrect, but then revised it to say that we actually do have 365 days in a year. They used ta certain type of paper called prapryus that stayed for a long time, they also preserved painting and letters on it that are still here today. Lastly, whenever an artist would draw a person or animal they would only draw them from their profile, not head on,because they were not mastered at doing full faced art.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

2-6-13 (pyramid game)

Today in class we got into partners and worked on a game. The game was building pyramids, you had to choose the angle of the pyramid, what to built it out if, the location, the number of workers, what leader and many more. Not only was it all picking things to design, but you had to use your keys and race your boat down the Nile river to get to your location, it took me and my partner Taylor several tries to finally succeed but we did and we scored an 8/10 on it. It was very fun and enjoyable, we played it throughout both mods. Tomorrow in class I think that we will talk about the game, our decision and what the outcome was and also why some of the decisions we made didn't work out.