Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Today in the beginning and middle of class we had a large class discussion about where technology will be when we get older. Since technology has advanced so much in just the past 50 years, from having the first phone invented to being able to video call while in different states using your phone. That took only a matter of years. I personally think the cars will be able to drive themselves, and there will be a way to lose weight without even working out. While looking over the powerpoint that was being presented I noticed two words: Paleolithic and neolithic, while looking them up i found out that paleolithic means old and neolithic means new. The humans in past generations were a part of a migratory group, they hunted, fished, and gathered plants and vegetation. 14,000 years ago people were on all the continents, and explored everywhere. During the agricultural revolution, populations grew due to increased ability to care for young children. Also, villagers were polytheistic, which means they believe in more that one god, and they thought there was multiple nature, and human and animal gods. The labor was divided up into two sections, men and women. The reason was because men are genrally stronger than women, and it is just more likely for a man to fight, and hunt rather than the woman who usually will be the housewife, collect berries, care for the children, and cook the food. Lastly, the wheel and plow was invented, which made it easier for food to be produced and stored.

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